January 23, 2009-Larry's counts crashed today!!!!!

Hello Everyone,

I just talked to Larry and he is depressed. He is sitting in the transfusion waiting room to get blood and platelets. His red blood cell count was 7.6 and his platelet count was 0.1 and the PA said that on this protocol that the crash usually happens on day 18 which is today. I told Larry not to let it get him down because he only has a week to go if all goes well. I also told him if he just couldn't take it any more and he needed to call someone to take out his frustrations just give me a call and I would give him a list of people he could call and yell at ;-)

I know Larry is upset but he said he'd get over it. I told him it was just a little bump in the road. I did make him promise since I wasn't there that he try to behave himself and not throw a temper tantrum like he usually does because they are usually slower than he thinks they should be and he said.............he'd think about it (I know what that means) NO!!!!!! He was hoping that he would only have to get platelets today so he could sneak home for the week end because there were so many things he wanted to get done. I asked him what was all the things he wanted to do and he said, "well..........just mostly come home". I said "did you make a list of things to do" and he said, "well............uh, NO but .......I just wanted to come home and tend to a few things". I told him that there wasn't anything here that had "RUSH" stamped all over it so what ever he thought that he needed to do could wait til he got released from the doctor. The main thing he needs to do is take care of himself so he will be able to come home when he is released. I guess I'm going to have to go back down there and duct tape his hands behind him, throw him on the bed, stuff surgical gloves in his mouth, pick up a bed pan and threaten to whack him on the head if he doesn't straighten up!!!!!!!!! Don't you think that will make him straighten up????? I'm sure he's reeeaaalllll scared of me...........nah!!

I'll call him later tonight and make sure he is doing ok and I will keep everyone posted about his condition.

Thank all of you for your prayers,

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